Roman Altars, is an immersive experience that aims to highlight the meaning behind Roman gods and the altars that represent them. Also, the project aims to showcase the grand scale of Roman gods and the object and themes that represent them, as opposed to the smaller exhibits at the National Museum of Scotland. All created in the Unity engine.

The images above were taken from the final build. The 3 images above showcase the Roman gods, Jupiter, Vulcan and Neptune. The three rooms include large statues of the gods. Additionally each room contains audio and particle effects that represents the god.

The image above shows the main Roman patio room. The patio room provides images and objects on the 3 gods. The patio also shows 3 altars and plinths that state fake paintings. Behind the paintings are the individual Roman god rooms.
Overall creating a puzzle experience where the user learns about the gods in the patio room. Then after walking through the paintings, the user will experience the gods and all their powers.
The Youtube link will show you a walk through video of the Roman Altars experience