To enable and sustain a productive mind set when working from home. use the interactive, traffic light device to both eliminate social distractions, but also encourage social interaction when feeling isolated.

How it works: The user moves the glass ball along the path that is curved into the concrete pad. Along the path are 4 triggers where the ball falls. Each trigger represents a colour. This traffic light system allows remote workers to roll the ball onto whatever colour represents their availability. In a seperate room is another device that emits this chosen colour. Therefore showing your household your availability when remote working.

Some key research pages.

Why: From research I found that people have struggled to find a healthy work-life balance. This is due to them struggling to find a 'work' mindset while in a hime environment. To make matters worse, research found people identified distractions from other household members as a key reason they are struggling to find a healthy balance.
Solution: A device that firstly. Eliminates social distractions in remote work environments. Secondly, reminds you to both take breaks and focus on work when needed. Lastly, when you are isolated and in need of social interaction, you can activate the device to green, shwoing your household you are seeking social interaction. As opose to red, where you do not want any interuption.
The next images below are my final presentation pages.

Both Youtube links below show my full developemt video (on the left) and my short demonstratiopn of how Transition works (on the right)